Welcoming New Patients

Hi, I’m Laura. I work at Simplex Health as the Director of Health Coaching at Patient Operations. Whether you were referred to our team by your doctor or found us on your own, we’re excited to work together. Our mission is to radically improve the health of humankind. For almost 10 years, we’ve been successful in treating the root cause of chronic disease: insulin resistance. To help get you started, we’ve put together some FAQs below. Have more questions? Call us at 877-842-2425 or contact us online.

Our Top 6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Why did my doctor refer me to Simplex?

We work with over 10 healthcare systems and thousands of doctors who recognize that food truly is medicine. Being referred to Simplex Health means that you’ve been diagnosed with a condition that is uniquely influenced by nutrition. Because eating the right food is critical to your care plan, improving your diet can improve your conditions. It’s also possible that eating the wrong foods can worsen your health conditions and everyday symptoms.

Note: Sometimes your referral for nutrition therapy reaches Simplex before your doctor has been able to discuss it with you. In those cases, it’s perfectly ok to confirm this referral with your doctor’s office before continuing.

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What symptoms do you help alleviate?

Our dietitians have helped thousands of patients overcome underlying insulin resistance and a variety of related health concerns:

  • Health conditions: Pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, PCOS, infertility, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity, autoimmune conditions and many others
  • Abnormal lab results, including high markers for: HbA1c, triglycerides and other lipids, fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, c-reactive protein, liver enzymes, thyroid, BMI, cholesterol and more
  • Everyday symptoms: inflammation, fatigue, brain fog, low energy, painful joints, abdominal weight gain, exercise intolerance, headaches, hair loss, gastrointestinal issues (constipation, reflux, etc.), among many others

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What is insulin resistance (IR)?

Check out the video below that explains how insulin resistance impacts the body or read our companion blog post series on blood sugar.

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How can Simplex help me?

Our interventions consider your body’s unique biochemistry, plus key factors that dictate your overall health: nutrient status, stress levels, sleep habits, and more. Our patients experience industry-leading results in just four visits:

  • Average HbA1c reduction: 1.9
  • Average weight loss: 10.8 lbs
  • 88% of gestational patients avoid the need for glucose-lowering medications during pregnancy

In addition to working with a specialized dietitian, you’ll have the option to work with a health coach for additional support. Our health coaches can help you work on the other important aspects of health that will make your nutrition changes more powerful, like movement habits, sleep hygiene and stress reduction.

Our nutrition-focused programs are determined to uncover the root cause of chronic health conditions.

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How do I get started?

Step 1: You’ll get a call from our scheduling team to schedule two appointments:

  • Your 60-minute initial nutrition assessment with one of our talented dietitians, who specialize in medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and creating personalized dietary plans
  • Your 30-45-minute follow-up session
  • In some cases, you might be connected with a health coach before you meet with your dietitian, to help prepare and get started sooner.
  • Appointments are held virtually via HIPAA-secure Zoom link (90% of our appointments are virtual), but we do offer some on-site appointments in select offices within the greater Philadelphia area

Step 2: Once you’ve scheduled your appointments, we’ll send you a series of emails, including:

  • Link to download the Simplex Health app
  • Intake forms and health questionnaires
  • More information on what to expect
  • How to confirm your insurance coverage

Step 3: After your insurance is confirmed to be in-network or out-of-network, we can determine the number of covered sessions, whether you’ll have a copay and more. If your insurance doesn’t cover our services, please ask us about our other options.

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What are your self-pay pricing options?

Option 1: Annual Membership

  • 6 X 6 Package ($40/month): 6 sessions with your dietitian and and 6 sessions with your health coach, to be used within 12 months
  • 10 X 10 Package ($70/month): 10 sessions with your dietitian and and 10 sessions with your health coach, to be used within 12 months
  • Note: These are available to any patient who has been referred to Simplex Health by their doctor

Option 2: A La Carte Appointments

  • Pay-as-you-go, when you need to meet with your dietitian:
Appointment Type Duration Cost
Initial 60 min $105
Follow-up (default) 30-45 min $80
Follow up (60 min) 60 min $105
Glucometer Training 30 min $50
GDM Initial 60 min $105
GDM Follow-up 30 min $50
Insulin Start 30 min $50
5 PK Follow-up visits $375
10 PK Follow-up Visits $750

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We’re looking forward to your first appointment!